Famous Performers

This term in grade 4 we are going to work on our instrumental skills. Soon we will receive our instruments and start to learn how to play them.

This week in class we were inspired by three famous performers:

Chinese pianist Lang Lang; French flutist Emmauel Pahud and American electric guitarist Joe Satriani.

We watched them perform and heard interviews in which they talked about the importance of practice and reflection to improve.

Here you can watch the videos again and then I would like you to find other famous performers that play instruments you like. Once you have found a performer you like, please write a comment to this post with a link to the video you watched and would like to share with the rest of your class.

I look forward to reading your comments and seeing the performers you have chosen.

Also, remember to add your research about Lang Lang, Pahud and Satriani to the document we used in class. Here is the document in case you lost it.



Famous Performers — 47 Comments

  1. Lang Lang was the best.I approve that he is the best because he works very hard and practicess a lot to be perfect.He also is super fast at playing the piano.The flute player is very fast to.He presses the buttons really hard and fast.He foucuses with all might and probably in a band.The guitar player is pretty good to.He presses really hard on his guitar to make the perfect sound.He was a very good speaker to .He is very good at inspiring children to learn to play.

    • Hi Tybian,

      Thank you for your comments. You are right. All of these performers are amazing!!! I’m glad you liked them. Did you find any others you liked? What is your favourite instrument? Maybe you can look for famous performers of that instrument.

  2. I liked Lang Lang’s performance, he is very talented. The other performers are also talented. I would love to play piano. I researched into other performers. and I found a ukulele performer, this is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdXls_XRKps. I amazed me that this small instrument makes this beautiful sounds and the performer got emotional at the end. I also looked into Arabic instruments such as Oud or Durbeka but I say the piano is the best for me.

    • Wow, Muad!!
      I just watched the video and it is wonderful!! So inspiring!! You can see how important music can be for people to express themselves. The performer used music and his ukulele to express all his emotions. I really enjoyed the video. Thank you so much for sharing. Any more comments from anybody else?

      Mr Fernando

  3. I mostly liked the pianist cause the sound was really like popping and catchy and I also liked the guitar player cause I am mostly into rock and I really liked how he stretched the sound.
    My mom saw a video on facebook that I also really liked
    http://the-africanway.com/drummer/ , it is a little about recycling and also about music.

    • That is a cool video Yazzan!! I love the combination of the recorder with the laptop. I lived and worked in The Netherlands for many years and there are some great musicians there. Thanks for sharing!!

  4. Hello Mr Fernando,
    I have some funny news Emmanuel Pahud has the same birthday as me like January 27!Poor Lang Lang he has to travel all over the world!He went to:europian concerts,United states and native China concerts.Joe Stratiani is a guitar instructer he has students and he teaches them electric guitar.My favorite instrumental player is Ryotr llyich Tchaikovsky because I love his pieces of piano.but lastly he died in November 6 1893.I wished he was still alive.
    Danae 4A

    • Very good research, Danae. So, now you share something (a birthday) with one of the best flutist in the world. Cool, huh? I am glad you like Tchaikovsky. Me too. When I played in an orchestra I often played his pieces and it was very exciting!!

  5. I liked how Joe Satriani played the guitar.I also liked Lang Lang. He really does play the piano nicely.Emmanuel Pauhd is also very good in playing the flute. He’s one of the best flute players
    My favorite music player out of Joe Satriani, Lang Lang and Emmanuel Pahud is Joe Satriani. He’s is really really good
    Joe Satriani’s birthday is on the July 15th and Lang Lang’s birthday is on the 14th of July. Joe Satriani is older than Lang Lang though. Joe Satriani is 60 years old and Lang Lang is 34 years old.

  6. I recommend Joe Satriani for electric guitar lovers.I really liked his performance.The way he focuses on his guitar and how he masters it impressed me. So, my mum told me about the The greatest rock guitarist of all time named JIMI HENDRIX I did some researches about him , I found that his style brought fire and emotion to rock music unseen before or since.He would play behind his back and with his teeth and set his guitar on fire.here is the link to the thrilling videos , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiR36mDzqVI
    I liked the other musicians too but the sound of the flute was my favorite as I found it smouth and relaxing. I might try the flute club next term.

  7. Filip I realy liked how fast it is going and that is going on the time it realy made me surprised and that Lang Lang had to practice so much hours I could not do that long as Lang Lang . It is realy aswome.

  8. I really don’t have a favorite music player but I think i’ll choose John Denver. He’s the creator of Country roads, take me homehttps://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjCt5q2ztLPAhWB2hoKHfEcC1UQ3ywIgwEwAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D1vrEljMfXYo&usg=AFQjCNHjtT1q53ZzOPIrGsW0bHq32fsBwQ&bvm=bv.135475266,d.d2s

  9. I like lang lang when he plays the piano and I wonder when did he start practicing,and like you said Danae poor Lang Lang because he has to travel to different countries

    • Thanks for sharing this video, Roudha. This girl plays the flute very well and she is very expressive: she really tells a story through her music.

    • Roudha that is a very nice piece. I can’t believe she is so young and she can play the flute so well.
      I bet she practiced a lot.

  10. Lang lang is amazing at piano. His fingers move so fast. He had to practice a lot to do that. When I start playing an instrument I will practice a lot so I can go and perform like a risk taker.
    Here is a video that I found on youtube. It is really cool.

  11. This is a music player I like she plays percussion. This is something cool I found out about her she is deaf. She turned deaf when she was 8 years old.she isn’t fully deaf though. She knows how it sounds because she takes her shoes of and feels the vibration so that’s why she can play. This is a biography about her.


    Hope you like it.🤔

    • Wow, Julia! This is a very interesting video. It is amazing to see how a deaf person can succeed in the world of music and become a world famous performer. It is wonderful to hear her explain how she used her whole body to hear the music. Thanks for sharing this video.

  12. I liked your video Aly it was AMAZING! But I realized that he was moving one of the drums to make a high pitch or a low pitch

    • Really cool video. This reminds me of last year’s unit on technology. Have you noticed how each time he is recording a loop and then having the machine replay it and playing a new one on top? Great video, Julia. Thanks for sharing it!!

  13. Hi everyone, I loved some of the videos you posted. I think Lang Lang is a great pianist, I really enjoy his music. One of my favourite musicians is Elton John, a singer-songwriter from the UK. Here is a link to one of his amazing songs.

    Mahrya 4B

    Elton John ‘Your Song’

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